Infant Clothing Store VirtueMart Template

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Created: Aug 20, 2014

Updated: Aug 20, 2014

ID: 51019

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Infant clothing and toy stores are the cutest on the web. Our template is not an exception either. It is designed in soft childish colors. Loving parents will appreciate this store as tenderness comes out of each element of its design. Big fonts and big buttons remind the kids' blocks. Most of toddlers like to play with colored blocks. It's difficult to be more specific when it comes to children. We will try, thus. The theme has two sliders that will show the best part of your collection. Round 'Sale' stickers in the 'Featured Products' section help savvy parents make a good deal. Supplementary navigation links and social sharing options are at the footer. We hope you grasped what makes this store so special. Then, it's your turn to take action.

1 Reviews for this product

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We have purchased this template for kid’s online store. Installation of template was so easy as it can be - just copy into hosting ftp and fill step-by-step configuration of joomla. Then just need to edit provided SQL file to meet your configured database prefix and apply SQL data. But we also are surprised, that template, banners and styles could be so easy modified to meet our requirements. Good choice!

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