Justicon - zestaw odrzutowy Lawyer Elementor

6 miesięcy wsparcia Wraz z produktem otrzymasz 6-miesięczne wsparcie od autora. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o tym, co obejmuje pakiet, przeczytaj zasady pomocy technicznej.

shoppingBag Obroty: 79

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Stworzony: 25 cze 2018

Zaktualizowany: 25 cze 2018

Identyfikator: 70185

og体育首页ONE - Ściąganie bez limitów za 12.40$/mies

500k Przedmioty | Użytek komercyjny License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Wsparcie Dołącz, aby pobrać ten produkt  za darmo
Justicon - zestaw odrzutowy Lawyer Elementor - Obraz funkcji 1

Liczba recenzji dla tego produktu 5

Beautiful design. Elementor templates that were executed nicely. Only issue I had was if you don't want to use Jet plugins, these are pretty much useless. I had to redesign all of the sections in Elementor that used Jet Elements. Which was about 60% of the templates.
Template is a good start and meets our development needs. Product and author support were timely but very basic. The real issue was the documentation which was much too brief and generic. The process to install the templates was according to the documentation was not accurate. There were no specifics to optimize this template with a theme, etc. Additionally, it wasn't made clear that the template required a third party paid subscription to function optimally.
Einfach zu installieren und funktioniert gut und einfach mit Elementor. Kann ich empfehlen wenn jemand das Design mag
Love the simple and minimalistic theme with flexible customisation. Support is amazing, I have basically no knowledge on CSS but the support team responded quickly and explained everything in detail. Thank you!
I purchased this template #1 because it was designed with my favorite WordPres page builder--Elementor! The template was easy to customize to the needs of my client who is a lawyer! I was able to easily replace the pictures with the professional shots his firm took. The site looks professional and I have a happy client. You can't beat the price of the template and each page suited the needs for the project!

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Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
